Let's promote
the good stuff.
Not just Stuff.

Hello, we are Novatopia

We use our creative and strategic power to promote sustainable behavior and drive social change. We form the interface between sustainability, brand work and communication. Our vision is a world in which all brands and products contribute to a future worth living.

Brands that specifically anchor their sustainability strategy in their core business create trust. They build their storytelling specifically on traceable actions along the entire supply chain. We support brands like these in the following areas:

Creativity can influence hearts, minds and even behavior. We use its power to drive change and create brands that people can get behind. So let's create things together that change things. For example with:

WWF logo

a collective.
not an agency.

Because we can always appear just as big as the task requires. Or just as small. So we can offer the full range of services of a 360° agency. But - and this is important to us: We don't have to sell anything just because we have the fixed resources to do so. Instead, we bring together just the best minds for each task. From strategists to copywriters, from graphic, UX and brand designers to green production and SEO experts.

Good sustainability communication depends on a well-founded sustainability strategy. With the NOVATOPIA Playbook, we provide you with an initial orientation for the sustainable transformation of your company. With over 60 pages, it is full of valuable ideas, questions and workshop formats that you can use to actively promote this important topic - despite daily business. So roll up your sleeves. And off you go.

What the faq

This decade is crucial. According to the IPCC, greenhouse gas emissions must be halved in the next ten years. But the traditional advertising and communications industry continues to drive mass consumption – and thus climate change. So it further undermines trust in sustainable claims through greenwashing. We`re done with it. Instead, we channel our know-how specifically for sustainable brands. Meaning those that act ecologically, economically as well as socially responsible. And we support all those who want to embark on this path.

As Creatives for Climate members, we have signed the C4C Commitment , which guides and binds us.

Advertising loves simple statements. But sustainability is a complex issue that requires a deep understanding and an honest approach. So let's get right to it.

The truth is: there are no sustainable products. No matter how responsibly we produce - we always consume resources in the process. Radical honesty with sustainable statements is therefore particularly important to us. And the only way to avoid greenwashing. That's why we sometimes ask uncomfortable questions. To our customers - and always to ourselves. If you`ve got an idea on how we can improve – just let us know. 

At the Impact Hub Berlin. Here we can work among inspiring start-ups that are developing concrete solutions to the problems of our time.

Our network of sustainability marketing & communication experts works remotely. This means we can always be just as big as the task requires. Or just as small. Depending on your request, we can quickly and easily put together the right team for you.


Templates NOVATOPIA(1)

What contribution can marketing & communication make to green growth?

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What contribution can marketing & communication make to green growth?

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How marketing drives sustainable transformation.

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Actively align your organization with People, Planet, Profit. 

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Towards a good tomorrow: The transition to new systems and social change.

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Do you have a project for us? Are you looking for a sparring partner? Wanna join us? Or feel like getting something off your chest?