People. Planet. Prosperity.
As a Green Growth Accelerator, we focus on a collaborative approach. Together we make big brands more sustainable. And sustainable brands bigger.

You don't do just anything.
Don't work with anyone.

May we introduce: Our founders

Schulze Darup

Managing Partner Strategy

Sarah has been at the side of agencies, start-ups, politics and the economy for over 15 years. She grew up in well-known agencies, then supported the development of the hard & software start-up Panono, then took care of her favorite city Berlin in marketing, and finally she led the external communications & marketing team at the Volkswagen subsidiary diconium.

Most recently, she completed a part-time training course to become a life and business coach. In short, Sarah is a true multi-talented strategist. With her Cambridge further training as a Sustainability Manager, Sarah can now focus her talents even more efficiently on the topic of sustainability.


Managing Partner Creation

Christina looks back on over 20 years as a copywriter and creative director. First in well-known agencies. Then as a freelancer.Her career has not only won her a few creative awards, but also given her a lot of insight into global brands.

Since recognizing the climate emergency - and the role that advertising plays in it - she has been using her experience to guide brands into the post-carbon era.

With the knowledge from her Cambridge further education in Sustainable Marketing & Creative, she combines fact-based sustainability communication with excellent creation.


Managing Partner Creation

Lisa is an art director with 20+ years of experience. She developed her craft on big accounts like Deutsche Bahn or Festool. For the last 10 years, she has been working independantly. Lisa is passionate about supporting brands in the socio-economic sector. She also volunteers for the Klimaliste Berlin and has just completed a Green UX/UI training.

In general, she is intensively involved with the climate crisis and the tools we have in our hands to slow it down. As a designer, she sees it as her responsibility to design in a way that conserves resources and combines the beautiful with the good. Having completed her Cambridge training as a Sustainability Manager, her toolbox has become even bigger in 2023.

The collective

We are part of the solutions economy and are committed to
a future worth living for everyone.

Are you one of them? Then talk to us.  

David Kettner

Green Video & Film Consultant & Speaker

David Kettner specializes in the development of sustainable video marketing strategies and the production of high-quality, creative moving image content - from commercials to image films and other brand content. The IHK-certified "Green Consultant Film & TV" is committed to sustainable, green productions and shares his expertise in the Association of German Commercial Film Producers. With his company shifter, he advises clients on all aspects of sustainable marketing.

Valerie Burgstaller


Green Spaces Designer & Wellbeing Coach

Berlin interior office for biophilic design, specializing in corporate wellbeing, green interior branding, event and set design. By aesthetically incorporating nature into emotionalizing spatial concepts, the sustainability of the corporate and brand identity becomes visible and tangible - in the office, at trade fairs, in stores, showrooms or for product and brand campaigns.

Marc Feige

Sustainable Brand Architect & AWorld Representative

With his many years of experience in building successful brands, Marc supports companies when it comes to communicating their sustainability strategy internally and externally. Marc is AWorld's representative in the DACH region. The official platform in support of ACTNOW (United Nations) supports individual action in the area of sustainability.

Simon Veith

Green Fashion, People & Portrait Photographer, BFF Professional

Simon is a professional photographer from Cologne who is certified in the Economy for the Common Good. His focus is on portrait and people photography in the field of sustainability & social issues. Simon's portfolio includes a variety of projects that reflect his passion for sustainability and his high level of photography.
As a photo designer at the BFF-Professional, he has a sound understanding of visual communication and image aesthetics.

Asisa Asseily


Emission Tracking Consultant, Speaker & CEO

Saving energy andCO2 is that easy: Our intuitive software helps you make reducing energy consumption and CO2 a shared goal in your business.we help build a carbon-neutral economy through collaborative, intelligent cloud-based software solutions for businesses, climate and energy experts.

Peter Sänger

Green City Solutions

Green Media Consultant, Inventor & CEO

World's first provider of regenerative citylights that can be powered by moss up to 5000 m3 per hour without waste. Our vision is a world in which people in cities can live healthily. We want to create living conditions that enable everyone around the world to breathe cleaner air in the long term.

our philosophy

The most exciting decade in human history lies ahead of us. It will determine whether we can bring our lives back into harmony with the planetary boundaries.

The realization, that what we do for a living threatens our very existence is still in its early stages. But the many pioneers, zebrapreneurs and impact companies, who are developing ingenious solutions to the problems of our time on a daily basis give us hope. They show us that we have not lost our most important gifts: Humans are incredibly adaptable. Empathic. And smart. We believe in using these gifts to shape an economy that is less destructive, more socially just, and more responsible. We built NOVATOPIA on this conviction.

Everything is connected with each other.

We are not apart from nature. We are a part of it. If we protect it, we protect ourselves. From diseases, wars and the causes of flight. It is therefore a matter of the heart for us to re-establish this connection, to learn from our mistakes and to take action.

No one can do it alone.

The climate crisis does not belong to any generation or professional group. It concerns us all. The more people communicate the issue as a matter of course, the faster social norms change. We share our knowledge and try to support others where we can. Because collaboration protects from extinction. 

there are no sustainable products.

Everything we do at work - when we're not reforesting forests or selling biomineral compost - harms the environment more than it benefits it. Therefore we face a growing trust deficit in sustainable statements. We need to get a clear picture of all our business activities, open an honest dialog about them and avoid greenwashing at all costs.

All people are equal 

Regardless of their gender, origin, faith, skin, hair and nail polish color.

companies bear responsibility.

What is the difference between a politician and a CEO? We believe: none. When it comes to responsibility towards nature. We all have to deal with the unintended consequences of a 200-year-old industrial model that is no longer environmentally, socially and financially sustainable. With our roots in the advertising industry, we are aware of our own responsibility. That's why we want to use all our knowledge to help brands, organizations and innovators in their transformation.

Let deeds speak for themselves.

We are not perfect. Not even close. But the will is there. And our intentions are serious. Nevertheless, anyone can talk about responsibility. We prefer to let deeds speak for themselves. That's why a large part of our profits is reinvested. 25% of them are donated. 25% goes into further education in the field of sustainability. Founders receive appropriate compensation for their risk. However, it is capped.

Saving the
planet is now a

Sir David Attenborough

It seems impossible. Until it's done.

You`ve got an idea our world has been missing? But your budget isn't quite big enough to give it the attention it deserves? Then we can do something about it. Up to 3 times a year we support projects on a voluntary basis. Selected by impact criteria.

Enough Talk.
Let's Talk